Linux Tip
Debian Repository 구성
2018. 11. 10. 01:58
- dists :
- package.gz (패키지 리스트) 파일을 포함한 패키지들의 메타데이터,
- Release.gpg 패키지의 인증서를 갖고있다.
- pool : 실제 바이너리&소스 패키지 파일을 갖고 있다.
- section
- main : free package
- non-free : non-free package
- crontrib : free package depend on non-free package
- letter : 0~9 , a~z, liba~libz
- group : 패키지별 그룹
- packagename.deb
- package.deb : binary pkg file
- package.dsc : PGP signed message, PGP signature
- package.tar.xz : source
- section
- projects : contain a few files detailing how the mirror was synced to the original repo.
- indeces : contains many files, most of them empty. The non-empty files seem to supply some extra metadata for packages.